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2021 Mom Congress Events

2021 Mom Congress EVENTS

Past Events

Mom Congress 2021Virtual Advocacy Days  September 27 & 28 EmpowHer Empowering mothers to launch solutions that support motherhood and families

Upcoming Events

Moms and others just like you virtually joined together for two days getting “empow-heard” to advocate for some of the most pressing maternal health issues facing U.S. mothers.


Monday, September 27

  • Welcome and Opening Session:
    Joy Burkhard, MBA, Christine Michel Carter, and Reshma Saujani

Joy Burkhard, MBA Mom Congress Project Director

Joy Burkhard, MBA
Mom Congress Project Director

Christine Michel Carter Mom Congress Advisory Board MemberBest-selling author, speaker and consultant addressing Black motherhood, Millenial motherhood and the trials and tribulations of Working moms.

Christine Michel Carter
Mom Congress Advisory Board Member

Best-selling author, speaker and consultant addressing Black motherhood, Millenial motherhood and the trials and tribulations of Working moms.

Reshma Saujani Mom Congress Advisory Board MemberAmerican lawyer, politician, civil servant, and the founder of the Girls Who Code and The Marshall Plan for Moms.

Reshma Saujani
Mom Congress Advisory Board Member

American lawyer, politician, civil servant, and the founder of the Girls Who Code and The Marshall Plan for Moms.

  • Bill Training

  • Meet Your Advocacy Team & Define Team Roles

Tuesday, September 28

  • Advocacy Team Visits with Congress

Advocacy Team Visits with Congress

Each registrant was placed on a team of 3-6 people and attended multiple 30-minute meetings from 9am-5pm in the advocate’s local time.


Issue Areas

This year’s virtual ‘Days in DC’ event focused on several health-related bills from the Mom Congress Momnibus bill package, including:

1. TRIUMPH for New Moms Act (H.R.4217): Bill would create formation of a maternal mental health task force of federal agencies to (1) Review and identify existing programs and best practices; (2) Close gaps, eliminate federal duplication, and coordinate federal resources; and (3) Create a national strategy and issue recommendations to Governors.

2. Moms Matter Act (H.R.909/S.484): Bill would provide investments in community-based programs that provide mental and behavioral health treatments and support to moms with maternal mental health conditions or substance use disorder. Provide funding for programs to grow and diversify the maternal mental health and behavioral health care workforce.

3. Tech to Save Moms Act (H.R.937/S.893): Bill would require the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation to consider models that improve the integration of telehealth services in maternal health care. Provide funding for technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity-building models.

4. Kira Johnson Act (H.R.1212): Bill would provide investments in community-based organizations to improve maternal health outcomes for Black pregnant and postpartum people and Women of Color; as well as birthing people from other underserved communities.

5. The Data to Save Moms Act (H.R.92/ S.347): Bill would commission a comprehensive study on maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity among Native American pregnant and postpartum people.

Learn more about these bills →

Member Town Hall

Member Virtual Town Hall

May 27, 2021

We presented:

  • Recent Federal policies, including hearing from guest speaker Reshma Saujani of The Marshall Plan for Moms who also discussed what you can do to take action in your home states

  • The Mom Congress-endorsed federal legislative package for 2021 called the Mom Congress Momnibus

  • Our thoughts for an in-person gathering in DC this Fall and virtual hill day

View the interview with Reshma Saujani.

Members can view the full Town Hall. Not yet a member? Join here.

Reshma Saujani

Reshma Saujani

Founder and Movement Marker, the Marshall Plan for Moms.
