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2022 Convention

2022 Mom Congress Convention

Nearly 200 mothers and advocates attended the Convention, Congressional Briefing, and Meetings with members of Congress.

We convened in Washington, D.C., to connect and build community, to be inspired and entertained, to learn about advocating for change including how best to craft and share our stories, all with an aim to elevate the needs of mothers and pass the four bills in the Moms’ Agenda.


  • Advocating for policy change to improve the lives of mothers and families

  • Connecting and networking with moms just like you

  • Advocating for legislation aimed at strengthening support for mothers and families from pregnancy-preschool

Together we addressed the “Motherload” including:

  • Paid parental leave after birth/adoption

  • Improving access to maternity care and child care

  • Improving accountability to maternity care standards

  • Addressing health equity so all mothers can thrive

  • Increasing access to maternal mental health providers

Also included:

  • Opening night Soirée cocktails and appetizers on Sunday

  • Breakfast and lunch on Monday

  • Breakfast on Tuesday

Optional Mom Congress MOMent:

  • A 45-minute Music Healing Session with singer Esh

2022 Saving and Supporting Moms Congressional Briefing

During this briefing, experts discuss Maternal Health and Supporting Motherhood, including:

• the latest maternal mortality dataset from the CDC,

• research regarding paid parental leave and the impact on the economy,

• child care post-COVID,

• the current burden of maternal mental health and more.

This is a not-to-miss briefing for every member of congress who prioritizes families.

Gold Sponsor

Opening Night Soirée Sponsor

Equity Caucus Meeting Sponsor

Working Mothers
Caucus Meeting Sponsor

Maternal Mental Health
Caucus Meeting Sponsor

Maternal Health Caucus Meeting and State Advocacy Panel Sponsor

MOMents Sponsor

Full Conference Schedule

View schedule


Want to know more?

Frequently Asked Questions.

Thank you to the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for its generous investment in Mom Congress.